Swedish Massage, also known as Classical Massage, uses manipulation of the soft tissue and joints to create a physiological and psychological effect on the client's condition. This Massage is used for sprains, strains, stress, and tension. It helps to increase circulation and decrease stress for a variety of conditions.
Manual Lymph Drainage and CDT
Manual Lymph Drainage is a gentle technique to prevent and reduce fluid retention, enhance the removal of toxins from body tissues and support the immune system. Used widely after a diagnosis of lymphedema or post surgery swelling. Combined Decongestive Therapy is a treatment program consisting of Lymphatic Massage, exercises and compression bandaging.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy is a treatment of choice in areas of pain, rehabilitation and neurology. It is a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on technique. A therapist gently works with the whole body including the spine and the skull, and its cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia. Craniosacral therapists are able to detect disturbances in the cranial sacral rhythm to help them identify areas of dysfunction, such as cranial, sutural, membrane and other soft tissue restrictions in the body.
Myofascial Integration
Myofascial Integration and Postural Alignment is a protocol consisting of a series of treatments that uses Fascial Release to reorganize the body's alignment and balance the posture. Fascia is the underlying component in movement and stability. These treatments are used to relieve chronic strain patterns in the body that build over time.